Minor Modification Proposal: New Graduate Courses or Changes to Existing Graduate Courses


This template should be used to: create a new graduate course; reactivate a closed/deactivated course; rename an existing course; renumber an existing course; etc.

If you have questions while you are filling out this document, please contact your Dean’s Office.

Graduate Department /Unit/Centre/Institute. For courses offered by collaborative specializations, list supporting unit.

Faculty academic division:

Dean’s Office contact:

Part 1: ROSI

Please complete this section. The data will be used to complete the ROSI record.

New Course — fill out all fields

Course designator and number (e.g., HIS 5XXXH):

Full-course equivalent (FCE) weight (e.g., 0.5, 1.0):

Full course title for transcript (maximum 60 characters):

Abbreviated title (maximum 30 characters):

Available via Student Web Services (yes or no):

Course type (regular, modular, continuous or extended):

Evaluate* function in ROSI used by unit (yes or no):

*university’s online course evaluation system

Online course (yes or no):

Required course (yes or no):

Grading scale (letter grades or credit/no credit):

Course prerequisites; if yes, please list (e.g., HIS5XXXH):

Course credit exclusions; if yes, please list (e.g., HIS 5XXXH):

Or Changes to an Existing Course — fill out all fields

Current course designator and number (required) (e.g., HIS 5XXXH):

Deactivated course designator, number and weight (e.g., HIS 5XXXH):

Splitting or amalgamating courses (list course designators, numbers and weights):

New/renamed full course title for transcript (maximum 60 characters):

New/renamed abbreviated title (maximum 30 characters):

New FCE weight of an elective course (e.g., 0.5, 1.0):

Change to grading scale (from letter grades to credit/no credit or vice versa):

Change to course type (from regular to continuous, modular, extended, etc.):

Effective Date

Required field — effective date must be September 1, January 1 or May 1 and not retroactive.

*Replace this text*

Part 2: Other Changes to Existing Courses

Optional field — this section may be used to describe other types of changes to existing courses your Faculty/Division tracks.

*Replace this text*

Part 3: New Course Documentation

For Faculty/Divisional approval of new courses, please append the approved course documentation, or complete the template below.

*Replace this text*

Course Description

*Replace this text*

Academic Rationale

Briefly indicate the reason for creating the course, and its place in the unit.

*Replace this text*

Learning Outcomes (if applicable)

This section may be required by your Dean’s Office.

*Replace this text*

Similarity/Overlap With Other Courses & Consultation

*Replace this text*

Resource Requirements (if required)

Indicate what, if any, additional resources are required for the course.

*Replace this text*

Governance Approval

Unit signoff (committee name and meeting date):

Faculty/Division Council (or delegated body) approval, if applicable (name and date):