New Degree Programs
Developing an entirely new degree program (both undergraduate and graduate) is an exciting academic initiative that supports the teaching and research priorities of a Faculty/division. The process is governed by the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP).
According to the UTQAP (section 1.2.), the “Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs responds to divisional queries and facilitates proposal development with respect to institutional academic, planning and budget, student life, governance and approval aspects of proposals.”
The first point of contact for faculty considering such an initiative should be the appropriate Dean’s Office.
Process for New Degree Programs
The process for new degree programs is best understood as comprising five phases. See a diagram of the process to approve new programs (PDF) and new standalone diploma programs (PDF).
- The first step in the development of a new program is the development of a program outline.
- The VPAP Office will work with the Dean’s Office to convene a new program consultation meeting to discuss the program outline which will include representatives from Provostial and University administrative offices. The purpose is to give proponents early support and feedback on the initiative.
- Proponents should consult widely concerning any proposal.
- Proponents should work closely with their Dean’s Office on the development of a new program proposal. VPAP will work with the Dean’s Office to provide consolidated feedback on the proposal from the relevant university offices.
- The VPAP Office will coordinate with the library to provide a library statement and also provide the student services information for the proposal.
- All proposals for new programs should be supported by full calendar descriptions and new course proposals.
- All proposals for new programs require sign-off from the Dean’s Office and the Provost’s Office before moving forward.
- This step is intended as an opportunity to assess the proposed program against leading international programs in the field; to secure recommendations on areas of improvement; and to highlight innovative aspects of the proposed program.
- Reviewers are recommended by the Dean’s Office for approval by the VPAP Office.
- A new program requires two reviewers. See the review nomination form (Excel).
- Criteria for selecting reviewers:
- active and respected in their field
- normally associate or full professors with program management experience
- representatives of peer institutions offering high-quality programs in the field under review.
- All members of the review committee must be at arm’s length from the unit/program(s) under review.
- Reviewers should receive all faculty curriculum vitae in a consistent format as an appendix to the proposal and full course syllabi or proposals.
New programs require approval by the relevant Faculty Council(s) and by University governance:
- new undergraduate (Committee on Academic Policy and Programs [AP&P])
- new graduate programs (Committee on Academic Policy and Programs [AP&P], Academic Board, Executive Committee).
- All new undergraduate programs and graduate degree programs require Quality Council approval.
- New graduate degree programs, diplomas, new undergraduate degrees and certain new undergraduate programs also require approval by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU).
- You can also consult the Quality Council website for a list of U of T approved programs.
- Diagram: academic change processes: key characteristics and examples
- Template: new undergraduate or graduate program outline (Word)
- Template: new undergraduate or graduate program proposal (Word)
- Template: external reviewers nomination form — new programs (Excel)
- Template: new undergraduate and graduate program review report terms of reference (coming soon)
- External review: arm’s length requirement
Jennifer Francisco
Academic Change Specialist
Annette Knott
Academic Change Specialist